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Couples Who Nordic Ski Together.. Straight from Jan and Marcel

Nordic Scoop Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What’s the secret to a successful relationship? While we may not have that answer, we can say that Nordic skiing together probably won’t hurt! Studies have shown that couples who participate in physical activity together enjoy increased relationship satisfaction, more efficient workouts, an easier time achieving fitness goals, a stronger emotional bond, and even more love from one partner to another! [source: Psychology Today] Nordic skiing is a great way to strengthen your partnership, and your quads, while enjoying nature together. 

We got to sit down with a happy couple from Crested Butte who practice this advice on the regular. Jan Parker and Marcel Medved met in Minnesota and have lived in Crested Butte for over 15 years. They are a very outdoorsy couple- from mountain biking during the summer to exploring the backcountry in the winter. But one of their favorite outdoor activities to do together? Nordic skiing!

Jan started skiing when she was around 20 years old. “I had a college boyfriend who taught me how to ski, before Marcel and I knew each other.”

Marcel didn’t do much Nordic skiing before settling in Crested Butte. “As kids we were always on fish scales but I didn’t do really any Nordic skiing until we moved here about 15 years ago.”

And when it comes to these two and their Nordic ski hobby, it’s all about location, location, location. “We can walk a block and a half from our house and get on a trail,” said Jan. "We’ll Nordic ski 3 or 4 times per week” And how can they resist when it’s right in their backyard? 

It’s great to have a partner who will help you push your limits and improve. Jan said when it comes to Nordic skiing her and Marcel are fairly evenly matched but have differing strengths. “I am probably better technique-wise but Marcel is stronger,” said Jan. 

Marcel agrees, “It’s one of the sports we can do together and have fun together and challenge each other. Some sports we’re at different levels and this is a great equalizer.”

Jan and Marcel like to participate in Nordic races and it can get a little competitive. Marcel said of Jan, “This year she beat me in all of the races. Over the years sometimes I’ll beat her and sometimes she’ll beat me but usually in classic she is stronger.” But the two are always in good spirits when out on the trails. One of their favorite memories made during a Nordic race was when they got passed by a racer in a huge dinosaur costume. Marcel said it made them realize they had some training to do but it also gave them quite a laugh!

When asked if couples who ski together stay together, Marcel smiled, “I don’t know if that’s the magic formula but it’s working for us."

What do you think- do couples who ski together stay together? How has Nordic skiing strengthened your relationships?

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